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Also by Roy Bahat
Learning about the future of work
Note from the editor

I have a personal blog, which has the best privacy feature I know of (robots.txt), and where I write about the important stuff. (Husband, father of two, brother, son stuff.) Otherwise, I’m writing as head of Bloomberg Beta, a fund where we invest to make business work better… Lecturer at Berkeley… and werewolf. Alum of (in alphabetical order): Abraham Joshua Heschel School, IGN Entertainment (Guinness World Record winner!), McKinsey & Co. (for the blink of an eye), New York’s Mayor’s Office and 2012 Olympic Bid, News Corp., OUYA (founding chairman), Phillips Brooks House Association, P.S. 87, Revision3 (board member), Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford, Social Studies at Harvard, Stuyvesant High School, and the World Series of Poker. You can find many ways to contact me if you use the Internet. https://upscri.be/a1cae7/

Go to the profile of Roy Bahat
Roy Bahat
Head of Bloomberg Beta, investing in the best startups creating the future of work. Alignment: Neutral good